Merck Animal Health: ZUPREVO BRD Challenge
How harnessing humans’ competitive natures led to $5 million in potential additional sales.
Knowing that most humans have an inherent competitive drive, we harnessed the power of social comparison and created a custom digital experience to engage cattle producers that attracted a wealth of interactions with this highly targeted audience.
Competition is fierce in the macrolide category of cattle antibiotics. It’s common in this category to show study data comparing efficacy and other claims. The market leader, Draxxin, has long used its position to “own” higher efficacy. Merck and Signal Theory saw an opportunity to change the conversation by connecting with producers through the problem. And, in doing so, expose the Zuprevo brand to more people and in a way that would create not only higher awareness but also consideration by moving them into a lead nurturing funnel.
Research shows that humans are hardwired to be competitive, originating as a survival tactic when resources were scarce. Today we see that manifest in the human need to obtain more – knowledge, profit, success. Stockers are particularly competitive as they work to turn high-risk calves into high-value calves, competing for reputation and profitability. We wanted to tap into this inherently competitive spirit through an experience that would challenge them while also providing valuable information about Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) that helps them manage better and achieve more value from their cattle.
Merck and Signal Theory used this insight to create a knowledge challenge targeted primarily at stockers where they could test their understanding of BRD and its management. Additionally, as they learned more about BRD, we wanted to position ZUPREVO as the solution.
Building a challenge offered several key benefits around which the final experience was strategically designed:
At the onset of the project, we defined key performance indicators in order to guide the experience design. These KPIs were participation rate and completion rate/form fills based on audience size and vendor benchmark data.
In five months, the results from the promotion and quiz execution exceeded initial goals for participation.
exceeded industry benchmarks by 40%
completed quiz and form
for ZUPREVO in new leads